How Often Should You Change Your AC Filter? A Comprehensive Guide

The types of air conditioning filters used in your home can have a major impact on how often you need to replace them. If you use standard 1- to 3-inch air filters, it is recommended that you change them every 30 to 60 days if you don't have allergies. However, if you have mild or moderate allergies, it is best to change your filters more often, about every three weeks. In general, most air filter manufacturers and HVAC companies suggest changing the air filter every 90 days or 3 months.

This can vary depending on the location of your home (e.g. dry and dusty climates), if you have pets, and the age of your system and equipment. If you have pets at home, it is recommended that you change the filter every 60 days or 2 months. For homes with several pets or people with allergies or respiratory conditions, it is best to change the filter every 20 to 45 days.

Vacation homes or empty houses that aren't used much can wait to change the filters every 9 to 12 months. The general consensus is that the more you use your home, the more often you'll need to change the air filter. The only way to be sure how often your air filter should be changed is to visually inspect the filter each month. After a few months, you'll get an idea of how quickly it gets dirty and if you need to re-evaluate due to a new pet or poor outdoor air quality. In the case of basic air filters (1 to 3), brands usually recommend that you change them every 30 to 90 days.

If someone in your family has mild to moderate allergies, you can put a better air filter on them or change them more often. The ideal is to change the air filter every three months; however, there are certain factors to consider when determining when to change an old filter. It's important to note that there are high-efficiency filters designed to filter small particles of bacteria, mold, and fungi, but standard MERV 8-11 filters only block the largest dust particles and 26% of hair. When it comes time to buy new air filters for your air conditioning system, there are a few things to consider. If your dirty air filter is completely covered with dust and dirt, it's a good idea to change it even if it hasn't reached the end of its recommended lifespan.

If there are no smokers or pets in your house and your filter is the best-selling filter, with a MERV rating of 4, you should be able to wait up to 90 days before changing it. A vacation home where you only live part time will need far fewer filter changes than a large family home with many occupants. As a rule, it is recommended to change the air conditioning equipment (we are talking about traps with filters, air filters, oven filters, etc.). In general, filters with a MERV 16 rating or lower are considered suitable filters for air conditioning systems for residential, commercial, and general hospital use. And if you buy an older system, plan to replace the filter more often in order to maintain filter quality. If you need help choosing the right filter for your system and a professional who can help you change it, call the professionals at Paschal Air, Plumbing & Electric.

Pleated filters are usually better than non-pleated ones as they allow a larger surface area to accumulate dust, pet hair, and other debris that floats in the air. They are inserted in a specific place inside the return air duct (usually a large foldable opening in the hallway or other place in the house). The strongest filters are reusable, usually with metal frames, and can be cleaned according to the manufacturer's instructions. These air filters act as barriers to prevent contaminants from entering the air conditioning system or circulating through the air.

If they become too dirty or clogged up with debris they will no longer be able to properly filter out contaminants from entering your system. When it comes down to it, knowing how often you should replace your air conditioning filter depends on several factors such as location of your home (e.g., dry and dusty climates), if you have pets at home or not, age of your system and equipment as well as whether someone in your family has mild or moderate allergies. The general consensus is that if you use your home frequently then you'll need to replace your air filter more often than if it's a vacation home that isn't used much. The only way to be sure how often your air filter should be changed is by visually inspecting it each month so that after a few months you'll get an idea of how quickly it gets dirty and if any changes need to be made due to new pets or poor outdoor air quality. If you need help choosing the right filter for your system and a professional who can help you change it, call the professionals at Paschal Air, Plumbing & Electric for assistance.

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