The Serious Consequences of Not Changing Your Air Conditioner Filter: A Guide for Homeowners

Neglecting to replace your air conditioner filter can have serious consequences that could cost you more money in energy bills and reduce the lifespan of your air conditioning system. It's essential that homeowners understand why changing their air filters is so important and how they should go about doing so correctly. A dirty filter reduces air flow to the air conditioning system and makes it work harder. This means that it consumes more energy, which costs you more money.

You may also be unable to keep your home at the right temperature, as the system has to run for longer periods of time. This exhausts the system and can reduce its lifespan by 5 to 10 years. Evaporative coils are responsible for removing heat to keep your home cool. If you don't replace the filter for a long time, you will eventually experience a failure in the evaporator coils. Of course, this can vary depending on factors such as the type of air conditioning system you have and the filter you use. Not changing the filter can also cause moisture to accumulate in the structure and this can lead to bigger problems, such as mold.

Placing a filter that is too small for the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system can be harmful, as it will allow dirt and dust to enter the unit. The dirt accumulated in the filter prevents fresh, refreshing air from passing through it, making it difficult for the air conditioner to regulate the temperature. If you've never changed your air conditioner filter, the easiest way is to ask an HVAC technician to do it the first time. If you change your air conditioning filter every month during peak cooling season, you can save approximately 15% each month on utilities and, in addition, avoid repair problems due to airflow restrictions. If you find it difficult to replace air filters, don't try to do it on your own, as it could cause more damage. They can show you where the filter is, how to access it, and what to do to clean or replace it.

If you're replacing an old or disposable filter, you should also consider buying a HEPA filter to trap contaminants. Replacing the air filter in your heating and cooling system is a simple and affordable way to keep it operating at optimal levels. Not changing or cleaning the filter can also cause moisture to accumulate in the structure and this can lead to bigger problems, such as mold. As an expert in HVAC systems, I highly recommend that homeowners take proactive steps towards maintaining their air conditioners by regularly changing their filters. Doing so will help ensure that their systems are running efficiently and effectively while also helping them save money on energy bills and avoid costly repairs down the line.

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